Mayday Internet - Kerala's number 1 Shopify Developer

Mayday Internet’s team of creative and technical experts are skilled in developing and custom designing Shopify websites that best suits our clients’ portfolio and preferred marketing strategies. This boasts of technical expertise, an impressive portfolio and, prompt and professional customer service, which are largely responsible for our long track record of happy and satisfied customers. Meticulous approach to website- building, attention to details and technical superiority makes Mayday Internet a leader in  Shopify Developers in Kerala.

Work Process by Mayday

Our Shopify Process

To create a client’s Shopify website, we first learn about their business, make a unique website design, construct the site, and check it works well before it goes live.

Bulb lighting icon indicates the Meet our team

Meet Our Team


Our team of ecommerce experts will work closely with you to understand your requirments 

Person walk in steps indicates brand research

Brand Research

Knowing your Brand

Our team will study your brand and competition to develop a website solution that will give you an edge.

Mountain Icon indicates for Development


The work

We will develop your ecommerce website with Shopify, using all the necessary plugins to increase conversions.

Shopify by Mayday

Client Testimonial

people discussing business with the best shopify developers

Features of Shopify:

This provides built-in SEO features that help businesses optimize their online store for search engines. It also offers marketing tools, such as discount codes, gift cards, and abandoned cart recovery, to help businesses attract and retain customers.

It has an extensive app marketplace that offers a wide range of apps and integrations to enhance the functionality of an online store. These apps can help businesses reach much more with marketing, inventory management, customer service, and more.

It takes care of security measures like SSL certificates, encryption, and Level 1 PCI compliance, ensuring that customers’ data and transactions are secure. It also provides reliable hosting, with a 99.99% uptime guarantee.

Shopify offers 24/7 customer support through live chat, phone, and email. They also provide a wide range of resources, including documentation, forums, and webinars, to help businesses make the most of the platform.

Shopify is an all-in-one e-commerce platform that provides businesses with the tools and resources they need to create, manage, and grow their online stores. Its user-friendly interface, extensive theme options, secure hosting, and robust app marketplace make it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes.

Shopify offers a mobile app that enables business owners to manage their store on-the-go. This allows them to track sales, fulfill orders, and manage products from their smartphones or tablets.

Shopify has a wide selection of professionally designed themes that businesses can choose from to create their online store. These themes can be customized to fit the brand’s unique look and feel, allowing businesses to create a personalized and professional online presence.

This Platform supports a variety of payment gateways, including its own payment solution called Shopify Payments. It also integrates with popular payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, and, allowing businesses to offer multiple payment options to their customers.

Is Shopify the tool for you?

Shopify is a great business product crafted to allow individuals and businesses of various sizes to create and manage their online stores. It is designed to be user-friendly and accessible, making it suitable for a wide range of users. If you are one of the following, then this platform is the right choice for you.

Entrepreneurs and Startups

Individuals looking to start an online business can use Shopify to set up and manage their e-commerce store easily.

Small and Medium-sized Businesses

Small to medium-sized businesses can leverage their business to establish their online presence and sell products or services.

Large Enterprises

Larger companies can also use Shopify platform, especially if they want a straightforward and efficient solution to set up an online store quickly with the helpof shopify experts in kerala

Artists and Creators

Artists, craftsmen, musicians, and other creators can use Shopify to sell their products or digital creations.

Retailers and Wholesalers

Traditional retailers and wholesalers can expand their reach and offer their products online through this platform

Digital Products and Services

Shopify supports the sale of digital products, such as ebooks, software, online courses, and consulting services.

How Mayday Internet can help you get the most out of Shopify?

From choosing an appropriate theme that represents that best represents your products, your vision and your ideas to product addition, setting-up product description, price and images, organizing your products into categories for improved navigation, setting up various payment gateways, to configuring your shipping settings based on your preferences (e.g., flat rate, weight-based, location-based) etc., will be done by Mayday Internet. Mayday Internet also helps you figure out and add your store’s terms of service, privacy policy, and refund policy to comply with legal requirements. Mayday Internet will also help you purchase a custom domain for a professional web address.

Lady analysing the Shoe retail business with shopify experts

Our Shopify Development Plan

Mayday Internet guarantees you a stress-free experience of setting up your online store; all the heavy lifting will be done by us while you can relax and watch your online store develop in front of your eyes. All that will be required of you is to review the store, let us know the necessary adjustments to be made and give us the green light to launch your store. 

Making the most of Shopify involves being able to optimize your store’s performance, enhance customer experience, and implement effective marketing strategies. Mayday Internet is your perfect partner to help you set up your Shopify store to function at its maximum potential by doing the following:

High-Quality Product Images and Descriptions:

Use professional product images and write compelling descriptions that showcase the benefits and features of your products. High-quality visuals and detailed descriptions help customers make informed purchasing decisions.

Mobile-Friendly Design:

We can ensure your Shopify store is responsive and looks great on various devices, especially mobile phones. Mobile shopping is on the rise, and a seamless mobile experience can significantly improve conversion rates.

SEO Optimization:

Mayday Internet helps with implementing search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to improve your store’s visibility in search engine results. We customize your store with relevant keywords, optimized meta-tags, and create valuable content to attract organic traffic.

Personalization and Branding:

Mayday Internet can help customize your store’s theme and design elements to reflect your brand identity. Together we can create a unique and consistent brand experience across your website, packaging, and marketing materials.

Utilize Apps and Extensions:

Our familiarity with Shopify’s app store offers a wide range of apps and extensions to enhance your store’s functionality. We recommend using apps for marketing automation, customer support, upselling, and more.

poster of lady entreprenuer sees happy about the shopify business interaction

Offer Multiple Payment Options:

Mayday Internet can help with providing customers with various payment options to improve convenience and reduce cart abandonment. Shopify supports multiple payment gateways, and Mayday Internet helps you offer choices like credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, and more.

Streamline Checkout Process:

Mayday Internet can simplify the checkout process to minimize cart abandonment. We can set-up guest checkout, reduce form fields, and offer one-click purchasing with saved customer information.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials:

Mayday Internet will design websites with a provision to encourage customers to leave reviews and testimonials on your product pages. Positive reviews build trust and credibility, influencing potential buyers.

Social Media Integration:

Mayday Internet guarantees seamless integration of your Shopify store with social media platforms to expand your reach and drive traffic. We recommend leveraging social media marketing to engage with your audience and promote your products.

Email Marketing and Customer Retention:

Mayday Internet helps you build an email list and use email marketing campaigns to nurture leads and retain existing customers. We recommend offering exclusive discounts, promotions, and valuable content to encourage repeat purchases.

Monitor Analytics and Metrics:

 Mayday Internet will regularly review Shopify’s analytics to track store performance, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve your store’s success.

Abandoned Cart Recovery:

Mayday Internet will set-up the abandoned cart recovery feature in Shopify to automatically remind customers about their incomplete purchases and encourage them to return and complete the transaction.

Offer Discounts and Limited-Time Deals:

Mayday Internet will help you set-up and run occasional sales and promotions to create a sense of urgency and drive sales. The use discount codes and limited-time offers to incentivize purchases always ensure a steady stream of customers.

Provide Excellent Customer Support:

Mayday Internet can proudly state that we offer exceptional customer service to address your inquiries, concerns, and any website-related issues that can arise, promptly. 
Mayday Internet can help you with implementing these strategies and continuously optimize your Shopify store, assisting you to increase its visibility, attract more customers, and ultimately boost sales and revenue. 

Here are some key takeaways about Shopify:

Ease of Use

Shopify's intuitive interface and user-friendly setup process make it accessible to both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs. You don't need extensive technical knowledge to get started.

Customization and Themes

The platform provides a variety of themes and design options, allowing you to customize your store's appearance to match your brand identity and create a unique online shopping experience.

Mobile Responsiveness

Shopify stores are designed to be mobile-friendly, catering to the increasing number of customers who shop using their smartphones and tablets.

App Ecosystem

Shopify's extensive app store offers a wide range of plugins and integrations that can extend your store's functionality. From marketing and analytics to inventory management and customer support, there's an app for almost every business need.

Security and Hosting

Shopify handles the technical aspects of hosting and security, ensuring that your store is protected, secure, and PCI compliant for handling payment information.

Payment Options

It supports multiple payment gateways, making it convenient for customers to choose their preferred payment method.

Customer Support

This platform provides reliable customer support through various channels, including live chat, email, and phone, to help you resolve any issues or answer questions.


Whether you're a small business just starting or an enterprise-level company, Shopify offers plans suitable for your needs. You can easily upgrade your plan as your business grows.

Marketing and SEO Tools

It includes built-in SEO features and marketing tools to help you attract traffic and promote your store effectively.

Analytics and Reporting

Shopify offers valuable insights through its analytics dashboard, allowing you to review your store’s performance, customer behavior, and sales data.

Mayday Internet

We Are

Mayday Internet’s vast experience in building websites with Shopify will guarantee a quick and hassle-free experience in the setting-up and functioning of your store.

Web Development

Subscription plans for Shopify

The features and plans available in Shopify may vary depending on the user’s location and the type of subscription they choose.

This plan is ideal for new businesses and startups. It includes all the essential features needed to set up and run an online store. The plan offers 24/7 customer support, unlimited products, two staff accounts, and the ability to accept credit card payments. However, it charges higher transaction fees of 2 % per transaction.

This is the standard plan that offers additional features compared to Basic Shopify. Along with the features of the Basic plan, it provides five staff accounts, gift cards, professional reports, and support for lower transaction fees of 1% of each sale you make.

This plan is suitable for growing businesses with higher volume and more significant needs. It includes all the features of the Shopify plan but with 15 staff accounts, advanced report building, third-party calculated shipping rates, and even lower transaction fees of 0.5% per sale made on your website.

Shopify Plus is a high-tier enterprise-level plan designed for large-scale businesses and high-growth merchants. It offers advanced and customizable features, white-glove account management, priority customer support, and access to exclusive tools and resources.

Please note that aside from these standard plans, Shopify may also offer specific plans for certain countries or industries, such as Shopify Lite, which is a more affordable plan for selling on social media and integrating with existing websites.

Mayday Internet + Shopify
Still feeling indecisive?

Shopify is a powerful and user-friendly e-commerce platform that enables individuals and businesses of all sizes to create and manage their online stores with ease. It offers a range of features and tools that simplify the process of selling products or services online.

Lady doing business with the helpof shopify developers in kerala with the Shopify integration platform